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Signup Instructions for Swims Meets

It is essential that you sign-up (declare) whether your swimmer will or will not participate in each meet.  The deadline to declare is typically 2-3 days prior to the meet.
To sign-up, log in to the website. Login is found in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

If you can’t remember your password, click "Forgot your password" to reset your password.

Under the Meets & Events tab, select "Swim Meets" to sign up for a swim meet.

Swimmer Event Signup

  • Click Meets & Events>Swim Meets, then click on the green MEET ENTRY tab, and then click the Edit tab under your athletes' names.

  • For each of your athletes, select an option from the drop down list next to their names.
    • Attending
    • Not Attending
    • It is very important that you select one of the above options so Coach can get all entries done. Swimmers are not required to swim at the meets, but please select the second option if your swimmer will not attend.

    • Select up to three individual events from the list shown.
      • If you are not sure about individual events, you may leave the events blank and the Coach will help with that decision.
      • Once you select your individual events, please declare your relay status. There is a pull down menu under individual events with the following options:
        • Available for all relays (can swim in one or both relays)
        • Arriving late-not available for early relays (early relay is Medley Relay)
        • Leaving early-not available for late relays (late relay is Free Relay)
        • Not available for any relays.
      • All relays are selected by the coaches. Note: Your swimmer may end up not swimming in a relay, even if they declared that they are available. Sometimes there is not space in the meet for more than 1-2 relays.
    • Click Save to record your choices.

    The deadline for signing up for events online is generally 2-3 days prior to meet.

    Should you have any questions re: which events to enter your child in, email [email protected]

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Job Signup Instructions

How to Sign Up for a Job at a Meet:

  • Make sure you are logged into the team website. (Login is found in the upper right hand corner of the screen.)
  • Under the Meets & Events tab, select "Event Calendar" to sign up for a job at a swim meet or click here: Meets & Events Signup Calendar.
  • Click the green JOB SIGNUP tab.
  • Click the blue SIGN UP FOR JOBS tab.
  • Check the volunteer shift you would like.
  • Click Save Assignments.
  • Click Back to Signup Calendar.
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