Email Newsletters and practice cancellations will be sent via email. Please make sure the team coordinator has the correct email address(es).
Facebook Information will also be posted on our Facebook page, Thousand Oaks Otters Group. Please follow us to receive up-to-date information.
Swimmers Mailbox Each swimmer (swim family) will have an individual file folder located in plastic file containers at the pool. This is a convenient and efficient way for the parent committees and coaches to get information out to our swimmers and their parents. These are also used to distribute the ribbons and medals from swim meets if a swimmer isn't at practice. Swimmers should check their mailbox daily. The box can be found by the swim team locker during practice
Coaching Communications The coaching staff is usually available between practice sessions. Please refrain from approaching our coaches during practices or at meets, their attention is devoted to our swimmers at that time. You are also able to email the coaches through our Thousand Oaks Otters web page.